French translation update
Philippe VERDY
2005-07-19 21:53:05 UTC
Hello, LimeWire team members.

As you know, I have moved into another region for my new work. For now I cannot commit any change to the translation repository (I can't have any Internet access at home for now, and I can't even use the Internet connection at work to use CVS, as it is blocked by a enterprise proxy).

So here is for now an update to apply to the French bundle, that adds the new missing resources needed to complete it back to 100% (just locate the existing "#? " marks in the current source, and insert the following matching strings... Make sure you read this email using ISO-8859-1 before copying and pasting it to the Limewire bundle).

-- Philippe.

#### ABOUT_INTRODUCTION=Inspired by LimeWire's owner, Mark Gorton, the LimeWire project is a collaborative <a href="http://www.limewire.org/">open source effort</a> involving programmers and researchers from all over the world. The collaborative nature of Gnutella is also reflected in the Gnutella Developers Forum (GDF), of which LimeWire is a participant. The members of the GDF work in the trenches every day to make Gnutella a truly innovative collection of protocols that is constantly improving -- a testament to the power of open protocols and open standards.
ABOUT_INTRODUCTION=Inspiré par le propriétaire de LimeWire, Mark Gorton, le projet LimeWire est le fruit de la collaboration de programmeurs et chercheurs du monde entier engagés ensembles dans un <a href="http://www.limewire.org/">effort de développement ouvert</a>. La nature collaborative de LimeWire se reflÚte également au sein du Forum des Développeurs Gnutella (GDF), dont LimeWire est un participant. Les membres du GDF travaillent de façon ardue tous les jours pour faire de Gnutella une collection réellement innovative de protocoles en constante progression -- une démonstration effective de la puissance des protocoles et standards ouverts.
#### ABOUT_DEV_BLURB=LimeWire is also, of course, the result of the countless hours of work by LimeWire's developers:
ABOUT_DEV_BLURB=Bien sûr, LimeWire est également le résultat d'heures non comptées de travail par les développeurs LimeWire\u00a0:
#### ABOUT_BIZDEV_BLURB=Behind the scenes business strategy and day-to-day affairs are handled by LimeWire's business developers:
ABOUT_BIZDEV_BLURB=En arriÚre plan, la gestion des affaires courantes et des stratégies de développement est assurées par les ingénieurs d'affaires de LimeWire\u00a0:
#### ABOUT_WEBDEV_BLURB=The LimeWire <a href="http://www.limewire.com/">web site</a> and LimeWire graphic design are the hard work of LimeWire's web team:
ABOUT_WEBDEV_BLURB=Le <a href="http://www.limewire.com/">site internet</a> de LimeWire, la mise en page et la charte graphique proviennent des travaux de l'équipe Internet de LimeWire\u00a0:
#### ABOUT_SUPPORT_BLURB=LimeWire PRO questions are dutifully answered by LimeWire technical support:
ABOUT_SUPPORT_BLURB=Les questions sur LimeWire PRO sont répondues comme il se doit par le support technique LimeWire\u00a0:
#### ABOUT_PREVIOUS_DEV_BLURB=In addition, the following developers have worked on the LimeWire team in the past but have since moved on to other projects:
ABOUT_PREVIOUS_DEV_BLURB=De plus, les développeurs suivants ont travaillé dans le passé au sein de l'équipe LimeWire, mais se sont consacrés depuis à d'autres projets\u00a0:
#### ABOUT_CONTRIBUTORS_BLURB=LimeWire open source contributors have provided significant code and many bug fixes, ideas, research, etc. to the project as well. Those listed below have either written code that is distributed with every version of LimeWire, have identified serious bugs in the code, or both:
ABOUT_CONTRIBUTORS_BLURB=Les contributeurs au projet de développement source ouvert ont également apporté au projet une part significative de code, nombre de corrections de d'anomalies, ainsi que leurs idées, recherches, etc... Ceux listés ci-dessous ont soit écrit du code aujourd'hui distribué dans chaque version de LimeWire, soit identifé des bogues sérieux dans le code, soit les deux\u00a0:
#### ABOUT_I18N_BLURB=LimeWire would also like to thank the many contributors to the internationalization project, both for the application itself and for the LimeWire web site.
ABOUT_I18N_BLURB=LimeWire voudrait également remercier particuliÚrement les nombreux contributeurs au projet d'internationalisation, que ce soit pour l'application elle-même ou pour le site Internet de LimeWire.
#### ABOUT_COMMUNITY_BLURB=Several colleagues in the Gnutella community merit special thanks. These include:
ABOUT_COMMUNITY_BLURB=Certains collÚgues de la communauté Gnutella méritent un remerciement spécial. Ceux-ci incluent notamment\u00a0:
#### ABOUT_CONCLUSION=Finally, LimeWire would like to extend its sincere thanks to these developers, users, and all others who have contributed their ideas to the project. Without LimeWire users, the LimeWire network would not exist.
ABOUT_CONCLUSION=Finalement, LimeWire voudrait étendre ses sincÚres remerciements à tous ces développeurs, utilisateurs, et autres personnes qui ont contribué leurs idées au projet. Sans les utilisateurs de LimeWire, le réseau LimeWire n'existerait pas.
# {0} the name of the skin
# {1} the localized name of the menu item "Refresh Skins"
# {2} the localized name of the "View" menu
# {3} the localized name of the "Apply Skins" menu
#### DOWNLOAD_EXPLAIN_HOW_TO_CHANGE_THEME=You have downloaded a skin titled "{0}", you can activate the new skin by clicking "{1}" in the "{2}"->"{3}" menu and then selecting it from the list of available skins.
DOWNLOAD_EXPLAIN_HOW_TO_CHANGE_THEME=Vous venez de charger un nouveau thÚme intitulé "{0}", vous pouvez l'activer en cliquant "{1}" dans le menu "{2}"->"{3}", puis en le sélectionnant dans la liste des thÚmes disponibles.
#### UPDATE_RESTART=LimeWire needs to be restarted to install the update. If you choose not to update now, LimeWire will update automatically when you close. Would you like to update now?
UPDATE_RESTART=Limewire doit être redémarré pour installer la mise à jour. Si vous choisissez de ne pas mettre à jour maintenant, LimeWire le fera automatiquement lorsque vous le fermerez. Voulez-vous mettre à jour maintenant\u00a0?
UPDATE_RESTART_TITLE=Mise à jour prête
# Key/Value pairs for the options for download license warning
# in the options window
#### OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_LICENSE_WARNING_LABEL=You can choose whether to be warned about downloading a file without a license.
OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_LICENSE_WARNING_LABEL=Vous pouvez choisir d'être alerté chaque fois que vous chargez un fichier dépourvu d'informations de licence.
#### ERROR_STARTUP_WINDOWS_COMPATIBILITY=LimeWire has encountered a problem during startup and cannot proceed. You may be able to fix this problem by changing LimeWire's Windows Compatibility. Right-click on the LimeWire icon on your Desktop and select 'Properties' from the popup menu. Click the 'Compatibility' tab at the top, then click the 'Run this program in compatibility mode for' check box, and then select 'Windows 2000' in the box below the check box. Then click the 'OK' button at the bottom and restart LimeWire.
ERROR_STARTUP_WINDOWS_COMPATIBILITY=LimeWire a rencontré un problÚme durant le démarrage et ne peut pas continuer. Vous pouvez être en mesure de régler le problÚme en modifiant les options de Compatibilité Windows pour LimeWire. Faite un clic droit sur l'icÎne de LimeWire sur votre Bureau et sélectionnez l'option "Propriétés" dans le menu. Sélectionnez l'onglet "Compatibilité" en haut, puis coqchez la case "Exécuter ce programme en mode de compatibilité pour", et sélectionnez "Windows 2000" dans la boîte sous la case cochée. Cliquez le bouton "OK" en bas du dialogue et relancez LimeWire.

Justin Schmidt
2005-07-20 15:58:00 UTC
Hi Philippe,

Thanks so much for this update. I've committed it to the mainline, so
it will be included in the next beta. =)

Post by Philippe VERDY
Hello, LimeWire team members.
As you know, I have moved into another region for my new work. For now I cannot commit any change to the translation repository (I can't have any Internet access at home for now, and I can't even use the Internet connection at work to use CVS, as it is blocked by a enterprise proxy).
So here is for now an update to apply to the French bundle, that adds the new missing resources needed to complete it back to 100% (just locate the existing "#? " marks in the current source, and insert the following matching strings... Make sure you read this email using ISO-8859-1 before copying and pasting it to the Limewire bundle).
-- Philippe.
#### ABOUT_INTRODUCTION=Inspired by LimeWire's owner, Mark Gorton, the LimeWire project is a collaborative <a href="http://www.limewire.org/">open source effort</a> involving programmers and researchers from all over the world. The collaborative nature of Gnutella is also reflected in the Gnutella Developers Forum (GDF), of which LimeWire is a participant. The members of the GDF work in the trenches every day to make Gnutella a truly innovative collection of protocols that is constantly improving -- a testament to the power of open protocols and open standards.
ABOUT_INTRODUCTION=Inspiré par le propriétaire de LimeWire, Mark Gorton, le projet LimeWire est le fruit de la collaboration de programmeurs et chercheurs du monde entier engagés ensembles dans un <a href="http://www.limewire.org/">effort de développement ouvert</a>. La nature collaborative de LimeWire se reflÚte également au sein du Forum des Développeurs Gnutella (GDF), dont LimeWire est un participant. Les membres du GDF travaillent de façon ardue tous les jours pour faire de Gnutella une collection réellement innovative de protocoles en constante progression -- une démonstration effective de la puissance des protocoles et standards ouverts.
#### ABOUT_I18N_BLURB=LimeWire would also like to thank the many contributors to the internationalization project, both for the application itself and for the LimeWire web site.
ABOUT_I18N_BLURB=LimeWire voudrait également remercier particuliÚrement les nombreux contributeurs au projet d'internationalisation, que ce soit pour l'application elle-même ou pour le site Internet de LimeWire.
#### ABOUT_CONCLUSION=Finally, LimeWire would like to extend its sincere thanks to these developers, users, and all others who have contributed their ideas to the project. Without LimeWire users, the LimeWire network would not exist.
ABOUT_CONCLUSION=Finalement, LimeWire voudrait étendre ses sincÚres remerciements à tous ces développeurs, utilisateurs, et autres personnes qui ont contribué leurs idées au projet. Sans les utilisateurs de LimeWire, le réseau LimeWire n'existerait pas.
# {0} the name of the skin
# {1} the localized name of the menu item "Refresh Skins"
# {2} the localized name of the "View" menu
# {3} the localized name of the "Apply Skins" menu
#### DOWNLOAD_EXPLAIN_HOW_TO_CHANGE_THEME=You have downloaded a skin titled "{0}", you can activate the new skin by clicking "{1}" in the "{2}"->"{3}" menu and then selecting it from the list of available skins.
DOWNLOAD_EXPLAIN_HOW_TO_CHANGE_THEME=Vous venez de charger un nouveau thÚme intitulé "{0}", vous pouvez l'activer en cliquant "{1}" dans le menu "{2}"->"{3}", puis en le sélectionnant dans la liste des thÚmes disponibles.
#### UPDATE_RESTART=LimeWire needs to be restarted to install the update. If you choose not to update now, LimeWire will update automatically when you close. Would you like to update now?
UPDATE_RESTART=Limewire doit être redémarré pour installer la mise à jour. Si vous choisissez de ne pas mettre à jour maintenant, LimeWire le fera automatiquement lorsque vous le fermerez. Voulez-vous mettre à jour maintenant\u00a0?
UPDATE_RESTART_TITLE=Mise à jour prête
# Key/Value pairs for the options for download license warning
# in the options window
#### OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_LICENSE_WARNING_LABEL=You can choose whether to be warned about downloading a file without a license.
OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD_LICENSE_WARNING_LABEL=Vous pouvez choisir d'être alerté chaque fois que vous chargez un fichier dépourvu d'informations de licence.
#### ERROR_STARTUP_WINDOWS_COMPATIBILITY=LimeWire has encountered a problem during startup and cannot proceed. You may be able to fix this problem by changing LimeWire's Windows Compatibility. Right-click on the LimeWire icon on your Desktop and select 'Properties' from the popup menu. Click the 'Compatibility' tab at the top, then click the 'Run this program in compatibility mode for' check box, and then select 'Windows 2000' in the box below the check box. Then click the 'OK' button at the bottom and restart LimeWire.
ERROR_STARTUP_WINDOWS_COMPATIBILITY=LimeWire a rencontré un problÚme durant le démarrage et ne peut pas continuer. Vous pouvez être en mesure de régler le problÚme en modifiant les options de Compatibilité Windows pour LimeWire. Faite un clic droit sur l'icÎne de LimeWire sur votre Bureau et sélectionnez l'option "Propriétés" dans le menu. Sélectionnez l'onglet "Compatibilité" en haut, puis coqchez la case "Exécuter ce programme en mode de compatibilité pour", et sélectionnez "Windows 2000" dans la boîte sous la case cochée. Cliquez le bouton "OK" en bas du dialogue et relancez LimeWire.
gui-dev mailing list
Eugene Romanenko
2005-07-20 16:58:21 UTC
I sent Russian translation update at June, 30, but it still not updated.
Post by Justin Schmidt
Hi Philippe,
Thanks so much for this update. I've committed it to the mainline, so
it will be included in the next beta. =)
Eugene. http://eros2.by.ru
Justin Schmidt
2005-07-20 16:09:32 UTC
Hi Eugene,

I've just joined the translate mailing list to help with some of these
issues. An up-to-date copy would be even better, as there have been a
few message bundle additions in the past three weeks. Either way, I
will use what you send!

Post by Eugene Romanenko
I sent Russian translation update at June, 30, but it still not
Post by Justin Schmidt
Hi Philippe,
Thanks so much for this update. I've committed it to the mainline,
so it will be included in the next beta. =)
Philippe VERDY
2005-07-20 16:16:52 UTC
Hello Eugene,

I know that... But I can't access to CVS since exactly one month (my workplace will not let me perform CVS updates through its HTTP proxy). So there are translation updates waiting: See the translate list archive (for Bosnian recently too)

I had informed Limewire in due time at the begining of June, before I left my previous location to go to another region (May be I did not inform you directly Justin, but I sent a message at least to the translate list, to the GUI dev list, to Sam Berlin, and someone I can't remember). Someone at LimeWire must take the lead and monitor the translate list. Not a lot to do, but there are some pending questions in that list.

(I can't do that myself very rapidly as I can't do that from my work, and the nearest cybercafe where i can connect is 25 kilometers away by car, so I won't go there every evening).

Note: I have not lost any message and I have a copy of your message; as soon as I can find a decent place to live (not easy to find here, as homes for rent are so rare, expensive... and horrible), I'll get a new DSL connection and will resume my work to the project during evenings... But until then, in the hotel where I live during the week, I can't help much as I don't want to pay its expensive access rate for a so slow 40K modem connection, and I go elsewhere for the weekends.
Post by Eugene Romanenko
I sent Russian translation update at June, 30, but it still not updated.
Post by Justin Schmidt
Hi Philippe,
Thanks so much for this update. I've committed it to the mainline, so
it will be included in the next beta. =)