[gui-dev] translate page broken
Philippe Verdy
2005-02-22 18:19:01 UTC
The translate page status appears to be broken.

Instead of the generated content, it just displays:
"[an error occurred while processing this directive]"
in the central part of the screen.

It seems that the automatic updater that runs each night failed to
create the translate.html content.

Is the "CountPercent.class" broken or not compiled correctly?

We have currently a new Greek translator (Damianos Aronidis <aronidis
AT helmug DOT gr>) that would like to continue working on its
translation. Should I give him insted a link to the online CVS
repository page where his translation is stored?

Also, there's a new contributor coming for the Malay translation
(Mahadhir Na'aemi <mahadhir AT onepixel DOT com DOT my>) that would
certainly like to see how to start his job... I have just replied to
him and gave him instructions related to this now broken page.


-- Philippe.

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Justin Schmidt
2005-02-22 18:24:13 UTC
Hi Philippe,

It should be fixed -- it was an intermittent switch as I am currently
redoing how this page is generated at the moment.

Post by Philippe Verdy
The translate page status appears to be broken.
"[an error occurred while processing this directive]"
in the central part of the screen.
It seems that the automatic updater that runs each night failed to
create the translate.html content.
Is the "CountPercent.class" broken or not compiled correctly?
We have currently a new Greek translator (Damianos Aronidis <aronidis
AT helmug DOT gr>) that would like to continue working on its
translation. Should I give him insted a link to the online CVS
repository page where his translation is stored?
Also, there's a new contributor coming for the Malay translation
(Mahadhir Na'aemi <mahadhir AT onepixel DOT com DOT my>) that would
certainly like to see how to start his job... I have just replied to
him and gave him instructions related to this now broken page.
-- Philippe.
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