Swing really isn't that terrible -- especially on newer versions of
Java. Of course, GUI creation with Swing is geared towards
programmers, not artists. That, in and of itself, leads to GUIs that
aren't too good looking. Programmers that write UIs tend to do it with
themselves in mind, rather than with other users. Luckily, we have
Aubrey here at LimeWire, an honest-to-goodness designer, who has helped
us make LimeWire look fairly simple & stay easy to use. There's a
bunch more plans in store for making the GUI look even better & be even
easier to use.
On the coding side of things, we've worked very hard to keep the core
activities & GUI display separate. That has helped to keep the event
thread (the thread which does all the drawing) as fast as possible.
We've written a lot of custom extensions to Swing components that have
helped to keep the components acting as a user would expect.
That said, Swing has a ways to go before it can be put together Visual
Basic-like and 'just work'. One of the great things about it now,
though, is the flexibility and power it offers -- such as allowing
LimeWire to look like a Windows program on Windows & an OSX program on
OSX, just by plugging in a different L&F, and requiring zero code
Post by FredPost by Jens-Uwe MagerPost by FredWhat's the Java Toolkit used to run Limewire ? I Thing you're using
SWING as I think I've seen in the code,
but I've always been told that SWING was a bit slow, and that user
responsiveness was pretty bad etc in comparison with IBM's SWT.
I know Azureus/Bittorent, which is very fast, has been built with
SWT but Limewire's performance are quiet equivalent.
So what's the truth ?
It is all Swing, nothing special here with the small exception for some
native code for special features like the Windows System Tray.
Then Limewire show that SWING applications can be fast enough and that the look and feel UI
is not that bad, it's even quiet good !
Gook work guys
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