Philippe Verdy
2004-11-26 19:23:13 UTC
I can't update the GUI module completely, because of strange bad access
rights for a lock folder used in CVS:
cvs server: Updating com/limegroup/gnutella/gui/themes
cvs server: failed to create lock directory for
Permission denied
cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository
cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
Apparently, the .../cvs/lock/... directory was created by the wrong user,
and denies access to users in the group normally granted update accesses to
the GUI module.
(note that the user "guest" is part of that group which should be able to
get locks to perform updates, even if it is not granted
Because of this lock, that occurs only for that subfolder, the following
folders after "/gui/themes" are not updated, and must be updated
separately... This is new, because in the past even "guest" could update its
Only LimeWire admins can correct this by checking the Unix folder ownerships
and access rights in the cvs/lock folder indicated above.
rights for a lock folder used in CVS:
cvs server: Updating com/limegroup/gnutella/gui/themes
cvs server: failed to create lock directory for
Permission denied
cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository
cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
Apparently, the .../cvs/lock/... directory was created by the wrong user,
and denies access to users in the group normally granted update accesses to
the GUI module.
(note that the user "guest" is part of that group which should be able to
get locks to perform updates, even if it is not granted
Because of this lock, that occurs only for that subfolder, the following
folders after "/gui/themes" are not updated, and must be updated
separately... This is new, because in the past even "guest" could update its
Only LimeWire admins can correct this by checking the Unix folder ownerships
and access rights in the cvs/lock folder indicated above.