[gui-dev] Multiple download folders for different types of downloads
Felix Berger
2005-02-12 21:48:11 UTC

I hope I picked the right list for this ;-)

In order to become familiar with Limewire's code base I thought it would be a
good idea to implement one of the features from the Wishlist page.

I picked the multiple download folders since I already implemented the same
feature for XNap. The important part of the feature is the user interface
that's why I chose this list. As I understood it the "different types of
downloads" refers to the different mediatypes, at least that's how it is done
in XNap.

Here are two screenshots of how it is done in XNap:

Loading Image...

shows the settings dialog where you can configure your download and upload
directory. The mediatype specific download dialog is hidden behind the
"Advanced..." button.

If you click this button the following dialog pops up:

Loading Image...

You can select the mediatype for which you want to specify a special download
directory in the combobox on the left or in the table below. The currently
set directory for the selected mediatype will be displayed in the text field.

The button with the opened directory on the right opens a directory chooser
dialog, the text field supports filesystem completion when you type in it and
the button with the bent arrow resets all directories.

I could add an "Advanced" button on the saving page of Limewire which opens a
similar dialog.

Let me know what you think or if someone else is working on this. I'll wait
for your input before I start.

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Sam Berlin
2005-02-12 23:11:19 UTC
Hi Felix,

This list is as good as any -- though you'll likely have to change a few
core things as well. It'd actually be nice if the decision of 'where should
this file be saved' weren't in the hands of the core, and was instead passed
as a destination parameter to the downloading code. The core could, of
course, default to the current behavior if no destination was given.

As far as how to display the options goes, there's a good system set up in
the gui module, in com/limegroup/gnutella/gui/options. OptionsConstructor
sets up the various options, and the panes subdirectory has specific
implementations of OptionPanes. Rather than add an 'advanced' button to the
existing SaveDirPaneItem (which would open up a dialog requesting more
info), it would likely fit better with the overall design of options if the
SaveDirPaneItem became a bit larger, the current 'Directory' option becoming
'Default Directory', and a listing of the various media types (and
destination locations) below it.

The default media types included with LimeWire are all backed by extensions,
but it is possible to plug in more schemas and have LimeWire recognize
different media types (by the existence of XML documents on the files and/or
results). If you take some schemas from
http://www.limewire.org/fisheye/viewrep/limecvs/lib/schemas/xml/schemas and
drop them in "<user home dir>/.limewire/xml/schemas", then restart LimeWire,
you'll notice that you're given the option to search for more media types.
You can easily get the media types (along with an icon describing them, a
human-readable name, and other stuff) from

This is a great thing to add to LimeWire. We've always wanted to ability to
save to different locations depending on the media type of the file!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: [gui-dev] Multiple download folders for different types of
I hope I picked the right list for this ;-)
In order to become familiar with Limewire's code base I thought it would be a
good idea to implement one of the features from the Wishlist page.
I picked the multiple download folders since I already implemented the same
feature for XNap. The important part of the feature is the user interface
that's why I chose this list. As I understood it the "different types of
downloads" refers to the different mediatypes, at least that's how it is done
in XNap.
shows the settings dialog where you can configure your download and upload
directory. The mediatype specific download dialog is hidden behind the
"Advanced..." button.
You can select the mediatype for which you want to specify a special download
directory in the combobox on the left or in the table below. The currently
set directory for the selected mediatype will be displayed in the text field.
The button with the opened directory on the right opens a directory chooser
dialog, the text field supports filesystem completion when you type in it and
the button with the bent arrow resets all directories.
I could add an "Advanced" button on the saving page of Limewire which opens a
similar dialog.
Let me know what you think or if someone else is working on this. I'll wait
for your input before I start.
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