Philippe Verdy
2004-09-28 14:51:29 UTC
Thanks. As I am working on upgrading the various localization files, I will propose to take these resource files in the library where I have commited them. I can't see why they are still taken from the legacy [gui]/com/limegroup/gnutella/gui/resources/ directory.
I imported this directory into the [lib] module, and I will propose patches in LimeWire to make these files accessible from there (this requires a small change in the code that handles these GUI "resources").
One note to LimeWire: the [schemas] modules is the place where I used to put incoming schemas. I have no more write access to it, so I cannot change it. The "xml/display/" folder is the only one I can put the translated properties. Note that LimeWire continues to use deprecated .xsd files that are still not complying with the current XML standard. Also LimeWire still sends invalid XML meta-data that can't be parsed with Xerces, because of the unbound "xsi:" attribute name prefix (this causes fatal errors that make meta-data sent in query hits completely ignored).
Compliant .xsd files are in the [schemas] module, but LimeWire still uses the old ones.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ilkka Mäkelä
To: ***
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 1:14 PM
Subject: [trans] Somethings in Finnish for verdyp
(See attached file: about.html)(See attached file:
(See attached file: attached file:
I imported this directory into the [lib] module, and I will propose patches in LimeWire to make these files accessible from there (this requires a small change in the code that handles these GUI "resources").
One note to LimeWire: the [schemas] modules is the place where I used to put incoming schemas. I have no more write access to it, so I cannot change it. The "xml/display/" folder is the only one I can put the translated properties. Note that LimeWire continues to use deprecated .xsd files that are still not complying with the current XML standard. Also LimeWire still sends invalid XML meta-data that can't be parsed with Xerces, because of the unbound "xsi:" attribute name prefix (this causes fatal errors that make meta-data sent in query hits completely ignored).
Compliant .xsd files are in the [schemas] module, but LimeWire still uses the old ones.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ilkka Mäkelä
To: ***
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 1:14 PM
Subject: [trans] Somethings in Finnish for verdyp
(See attached file: about.html)(See attached file:
(See attached file: attached file: